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*available until 0600hrs 24/04/10
Beyond the pole

The plot covers a documentary film crew follows the first carbon neutral, organic, vegetarian expedition ever to attempt the North Pole. Simultaneously Saving the Planet and getting into the Guinness Book of Records Brian and Mark hope to kill two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, they have never done anything like this before.
David Williams discussed the challenge facing independent films like this in getting distribution. So give them a hand by asking for it at your local cinema.
Christine explained how a couple of years ago, while training for a triathlon, she found herself gasping for breath after taking a drink.
Fortunately, some young people nearby came to her rescue and after performing first aid on her and ultimately saved her life.
Now Christine is urging people to learn first aid through St John Ambulance's 'The Difference' initiative which offers a new range of first aid courses to meet the needs of home or leisure activities.
To get involved and collect a card with basic first aid instructions just simply text LIFE to 85010.
Jo Hamilton from Climate eXchange popped in to tell us all about the Ideal Green Home Show next Friday and Saturday.
Being held at Oxford Town Hall, the show has a host of experts, architects and renewable energy companies to help you live a greener life.
Visitors to the Green Home Show will be able to find the advice, products and installers to transform their home, including architects, eco-designers, solar hot water and solar photovoltaic installers, grey water and insulation installers, plus suppliers of eco-products, recycled materials and a host of energy saving advice.
The show runs next Friday (4-7 pm) and Saturday (10am-4pm) for more information see or
Keeping on the green trail, Henley resident Dick Fletcher told listeners all about another fascinating green initiative happening in Henley today.
A display of thermal images of four hundred houses in the town will show who is using the right insulation. Organised by a (non-political) group of residents called 'Henley in Transition' which aims to make the town carbon neutral by 2012.
It's on from noon to 3pm today at Henley Town Hall.
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