Early on we heard about the charity ROSY:
http://www.rosy.org.uk/ or call direct on 01865 848696.
Don't forget we will also be going for a walk along the Thames Path south of Abingdon later... details of where to go are here... http://bbcoxfordweekends.blogspot.com/search/label/Walk
Thriving Sustainably
Website: http://www.thrivingsustainably.org.uk/
An event happening today at West Oxford Community Center in Botley.
Not Just A Walk in the Park
Website: http://www.orhcharitablefunds.nhs.uk/
Sunday will see a lot of people heading the University Parks in Oxford to take part in a fundraising event for the JR's Heart and Cancer centres.
Leaches Farm
Website: http://www.bbowt.org.uk/
Giles Strother took me on a tour of the new plot of land that BBOWT have managed to rescue thanks to your money.
Website: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/steampunk/
Art Donovan took us on a tour of the rather bizarre exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford. It runs until February 2010, so plenty of chances to go and have a look.
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