Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Earthwatch Special - Tuesday 29th December
Have a look at my blog written during the week:
Photos from the week:
There were quite a few other organisations taking part in the week:
Oxfordshire Nature Conservation Forum
Oxfordshire Community Action Groups
Dorchester Carbon Project
Berks Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust
Monday, 28 December 2009
Geneva Special - Bank Holiday Monday 28th December
During a two day stay in Geneva, my producer Vicky and I were able to discover first hand the connections between Oxfordshire and the small but well connected city.
Have a look at our photos:
Here is a map:
Click here
Friday, 25 December 2009
Christmas Morning
I've always really looked forward to the Christmas morning show, I'm not sure if its due to all the lovely Christmas messages that people send in or all the extra sympathy it seems to garner just for getting up early and working. It might also be that I normally escape the madness of preparing Christmas lunch. Anyway, it's fun.
This mornings show looks forward to the Celebration of Christmas and features interviews with some of those who took part. Including the Archbishop of Canterbury and the actor Robert Hardy.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Saturday 19th December
The charity that helps find funding for the many other charities helping the homeless of Oxfordshire are singing carols outside Oxford Railway Station at 1530hrs this afternoon.
The Ducklington Mummers
They are out this evening performing the traditional tale of good versus evil. You should be able to catch them around the following times in the following pubs:
8pm. The Fox, Stanton Harcourt
8.30pm. Strickland Arms, Ducklington
9pm. Bell Inn, Ducklington
9.30pm Plough Inn, Witney
10pm.Three Pigeons,Witney
10.30pm House of Windsor,Witney
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Saturday 12th December
We've been covering more of the Climate Conference happening in Copenhagen again. For the latest from the event have a look at this website: http://en.cop15.dk/ We spoke to a couple of people involved.
Dr Dan Bebber is the lead scientist from Earthwatch. http://www.earthwatch.org/europe/
Anne Augustine works with Oxfam: http://www.oxfam.org/
The next walk is going to be on Boxing Day, we are heading to Blenheim Palace, here are the full details: http://bbcoxfordweekends.blogspot.com/2009/12/boxing-day-get-active-walk.html

Oxford is going carols mad today with lots of choirs singing all over the city. To find out who and where have a look at this site: http://www.oxfordinspires.org/EE/index.php/site/whatson-spotlight/
We also chatted to Michelle Anthony who created the Oxford City Singers earlier this year. They have their concert on this evening. For information go to: http://www.oxfordcitysingers.com/
Boxing Day Get Active Walk
Well done to those who turned out on a dreary, damp day in November for the last walk. We all agreed if a walk hadn’t been arranged we probably wouldn’t have ventured out at all! Considering the weather we had a good turn out and raised over £50 for Children in Need. Many thanks to Pudsey for turning out to help with the collection and to see us off! If you haven’t already done so you can use the link below to look at the photos from all the walks and see the friendly people who take part.
The next walk is on Saturday December 26th 2009. You’ll be able to walk off the excesses of the previous day! The walk will be around Blenheim Palace grounds so we’ll meet at the car park in Woodstock at 10.45am to start the walk about 11.00am. Depending on the weather between now and then we may decide to do a route that includes footpaths which may be muddy, so boots or sturdy shoes are advisable. The walk is fairly flat and about 5 miles long. As always the walk will be lead at a pace to suit everybody and well behaved dogs are welcome.
Everyone should sign the disclaimer and if new people wouldn’t mind completing a monitoring form that would be great. Please make sure you sign the disclaimer every time you come on a walk.
We’ve decided not to make a booking for lunch at a pub so we can go home and enjoy some leftovers rather than eat in a busy pub!
So, whether you’ve joined us before or not, and feel that you can manage this walk put the date in your diary and come with us.
The weather of course is unpredictable and unknown at this stage. We’ll walk in all but the worst conditions but if you’re in any doubt about whether the walk is going ahead listen to Phil Mercer’s show on the Saturday morning between 6am and 9am.
Many charities encourage walking as a way of raising money. So before the start of the walk we are asking for a donation of £1 for a chosen charity. So far we have more than £1,050 for both local and national charities. Before the walk this month we’ll make a collection for the Foetal Medicine Unit at the J.R. Hospital.
To book a place or for more details contact BBC Oxford Action Desk 08459 311 222 or email katie.brown@bbc.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you on the next walk.
Please let me know your email address if you are able to receive the newsletter by email.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Sunday 6th December
It's not surprising that we will be talking a fair amount about climate change today, with the Copenhagen Summit starting we'll talk to a couple of christians to get their point of view in More Questions Than Answers.
Operation Christmas - Salvation Army
07852 576368
Cpt Mark popped in to the studio to remind us about how we can help this year. He's looking for 400 Christmas presents for 0-16 year olds, if you can provide one (unwrapped) pop it in to
St. Michael at the Northgate (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm) or any branch of Superdrug.
He is also looking for volunteers for there Christmas Day celebrations.
Comedy and Christmas
The comedy write Paul Kerensa talked to us about the challenges of trying to cheer up Christmas.
Also let me introduce Rich, the newest member of the team and the man running things behind the scenes while the programme is on the air on a Sunday.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Saturday 5th December
We spent some time looking at a couple of environment subjects:
Tree O'clock
There are events at Stratfield Brake, Kiddlington. Boundary Brook Nature Park, Oxford and at The Wittenham Clumps.
The Wave
We also heard from some of the people heading down to London to take part in The Wave, a huge climate change awareness Rally.
Alice's Adventures Underground
Star of the show Olivia Jewson popped in to tell about this latest take on the Lewis Carroll classic.

Sunday, 29 November 2009
Sunday 29th November
We had a couple of guests discussing the pressure to give at this time of year. Geoffrey Richardson from the Blackbird Leys Credit Union (01865 718503) and Dr Toby Ord both have a lot of experience on this subject.

Nativity (U)
We talked to the director of the new movie that follows a primary school production of a Nativity play is on at the VUE and other cinemas over the next few weeks.
World AIDS Day
We heard about one project the Oxfordshire church is getting involved with in South Africa.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Saturday 28th November
Sorry I've been quiet on the blog this week, it's been a manic one with the final preparations for the recording of this years carol service on Tuesday. I even got to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury!
This mornings show is a great one.
Hayley Westenra
She is appearing at St Mary's in Banbury tonight. She has a fantastic voice so I played her doing a bit of West Side Story.
Pop Up Restuarant
Lara is running a one night only special restaurant to try and encourage people to think local when shopping. All the food is sourced (where possible) from local providers.
Affordable Housing
If you want to join the debate on how to improve the amount of affordable housing in Oxford, you need to go to the Quaker Meetings house in Oxford for 11am.
United Charities Christmas Bizarre
On today from 10 to 1 at the Town Hall in Wallingford.
Dorchester Carbon Project and The Wave
We heard about some of the exciting plans the guys in Dorchester-upon-Thames are putting together as part of an influential government initiative. We also heard how lots of people from Oxford are heading in to London next weekend for The Wave!
Artic Explorers
Ian and Claire popped in to the studio ahead of an adventure they are setting off on next year. They will be part of a team walking 800 miles across ice to the polar pole to raise money for Help for the Heroes and the Thames Valley Air Ambulance. Good luck guys.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Sunday 16th November
Songs of Praise
Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006ttc5
Todays programme is from Witney, so we had a chat to the minister of High Street Methodist Church in Witney who hosted the team.
I played the new song from Howard Jones called Soon you'll go. It's off his album Ordinary Heroes.
We looked at Interfaith Week and a special memorial service remembering those involved in Road Traffic Accidents. The latter is happening at St Mary's Church at 3pm.
Plus, we talked to Professor Diarmaid Macculloch about his TV series The History of Christianity currently playing on BBC Four. You can catch up on the series by following this link: Click here...
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Saturday 14th November
Banbury's Canalside Development
If you pop in to Castle Quays today, you'll get a chance to have your say on plans to develop the area south from the shopping centre alongside the canal.
Jonny's Flight
Last week we spoke to Jonny Beech just before he set off with Nigel Lamb on the flight of a lifetime! Here are his pics:

Saturday, 7 November 2009
Saturday 7th November
I've got lots of firework bits for you this morning. Including a look through what displays are happening around Oxfordshire. Click here for a full listing...

Guy and Richard from the Oxfordshire Fireworks Partnership popped in to the studio to give us some ideas of how to be safe this evening. The phone number for the partnership is 0845 8505 505 if you want to report any fireworks issues.
Boot Camp
So we heard from Daniel Wolff who had details of how you could raise money for Cancer research by doing his Boot Camp today, details from his website.

Jonnie Beech designed this logo for Nigel Lamb the aerobatics display pilot and will be having the flight of his life later today when Nigel takes him for a two hour spin!
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Climate Week gallery
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Get Active Walk - Saturday 21st Nov 2009
We’ll meet at the pub car park of at 10.45am to start the walk about 11.00am. Please park at the far side of the car park away from the pub. Everyone should sign the disclaimer and if new people wouldn’t mind completing a monitoring form that would be great. Please make sure you sign the disclaimer every time you come on a walk.
We’ve made a group booking for lunch at the pub for those who wish to have lunch afterwards. There’ll be a menu for you to choose from so make sure you order your lunch before we set off on the walk!
So, whether you’ve joined us before or not, and feel that you can manage this walk put the date in your diary and come with us.
The weather of course is unpredictable and unknown at this stage. We’ll walk in all but the worst conditions but if you’re in any doubt about whether the walk is going ahead listen to Phil Mercer’s show on the Saturday morning between 6am and 9am.
Many charities encourage walking as a way of raising money. So before the start of the walk we are asking for a donation of £1 for a chosen charity. So far we have raised over £1,000 for both local and national charities. Before the walk this month we’ll make a collection for the BBC Children in Need Appeal.
To book a place or for more details contact BBC Oxford Action Desk 08459 311 222 or email katie.brown@bbc.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you on the next walk.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Surprise... tis I on Lou's show
My Story
One of the subjects we covered was the BBC project My Story. If you want details of how to send in your ideas to My Story then you need to have a look at the website... or send your (up to) 1,500 words to:
BBC My Story
PO Box 65 655
London, W12 2BG
Annie Get Your Gun
The guys and girls of Wantage Stage Musical Co are putting on the Irving Berline classic at the Civic Hall from Wednesday to Saturday. Call 01235 770087 for tickets and information.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Sunday 1st November
Street Pastors
We had an update from the new Street Pastor teams working in Wantage and Grove. If you want details email: wantageandgrove@streetpastors.org
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Saturday 31st October
So I'm a bit dazed and confused after my week away learning about Climate Change, watch this space for my reports and interviews from there. This is the info from todays show:
The Big Climate Event
Our Eco Guru Simon popped in to the studio to tell about their big event at Oxford Town Hall on the 7th November. It's a chance to share and learn ideas on how you can do your bit to help Climate Change. You'll need to book your place.
The Red Cross
The Oxfordshire Red Cross is marking its centenary with an event in the Clarendon Centre in Oxford from 9am. If you can't make it then have a look at the website or get in touch.
oxon@redcross.org.uk / 01235 552660
The Bunk Line
We heard from Nick Brazil about his latest documentary on the railway line from Cholsey to Wallingford.
I also promised I'd post up details of an event for Clive, so here it is:
Hi Phil
I would be most grateful if you will please be good enough to mention this charity fundraising event on your BBC Radio Oxford show this weekend.
I live in Freeland and have kidney cancer, and am trying to do my bit as a voluntary fundraiser for an excellent Oxford based cancer charity, UCARE, who are already dong so much to help others. This is the link to their
website: http://www.ucare-oxford.org.uk
We are holding a fundraising event by way of a concert to be given by the Radcliffe Orchestra, on Saturday, 7th November at the Tingewick Hall, which is on the JR Hospital site, and I attach a poster with the full details.
Tickets are only £8, including light refreshments, and will be available on the night, and beforehand at the Cairns Library, which is located in the academic centre of the JR hospital. This is also where the Tingewick Hall is.
I hope you can help us please. Many thanks.
Kind regards
Clive Stone
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Dead Wood!
It was actually more fun and a bit easier than I had originally thought. Rather than count everything (an almost impossible task!) you just draw out regular lines across sections of a plot of the forest and then count any wood that is wider than 5cm diameter!
It did all begin to blur in to one after a while!
In the evening we began to think as a group, to see if there was one project that we could agree to put in to action together. A difficult choice as most of the ideas will require outside help. We shall see if we can get anywhere though. Watch this space!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Mini beasts and the great debate
Here are some pics from a lab experiment to see if it's possible to replicate some of the woodland conditions under a more controlled environment. The Woodlice in this tub started off with a selection of leaves and have created the top soil you can see in this pic. And it only took a few weeks!
Monday, 26 October 2009
If I should enter the woods today...
Hill End - Base Camp
Heading out to the woods.
Tehri, showing us how they measure tree growth.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Climate Camp
They've invited me a long to get a sense of the problems facing the world and how we can make a difference. Also I'll be taking part in some actual research in to the affects of the changing environment on our woodland. I'll check back with any good gossip I get as the week goes on.
I've already hit one problem, the BBC laptop isn't liking the country air. I'll reboot and try it in the morning.
Look out Swampy, here I come!!!
Sunday 25th October
Website: http://www.nirankari.com/
The Universal Brotherhood meet in Oxford and have a special event on this weekend that aims to bring together people from around the country.
Banbury Cross
Website: http://www.banbury.gov.uk/
It's the 150th anniversary of the Banbury Cross this month, and today there was a special service of celebration being held.
Jo Thoenes climbs up Kilimanjaro
Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/oxford/content/articles/2009/06/17/mountain_feature.shtml
Jo left on Friday to join 7 other people who are climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for the NASIO Trust. Jo starts the climb today and is going to be giving us regular updates on this amazing challenge.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Saturday 24th October
It's a full one. Mercers Movies recommends Fantastic Mr. Fox
http://fliptips.blogspot.com/ for the full review.
Moon watching
Website: http://www.cnaag.com/
The Chipping Norton Amatuer Astrology Group are off to the Rollright Stones to go moonwatching today. We also learnt our word of the day... Bortle! Here's an explanation off the interweb! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bortle_Dark-Sky_Scale
Website: http://www.rspb.org.uk/
The RSPB are holding an event in Port Meadow, Oxford. It's a chance to learn how to make sure our winged friends are well fed for the winter.
Little planes
Website: http://www.heritage-motor-centre.co.uk/
Sunday is going to be fun at the Heritage Motor Centre in Gaydon where they are holding the Large Model Aircraft Show. Including a scale model of the Vulcan and Wellington bombers!
Art in Woodstock
Website: http://www.artinwoodstock.com/
Chris Baylis popped in to brief us the events of the next week.
What Recession.
We talked to Sian Holt from the new Fudge Kitchen shop in Oxford and Neil Kinch from Salters Steamers about how they were faring in these tough times.
Listen again to hear the whole interview.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Sounding off..
I'm also starting the packing for an adventure next week when I'm heading to Wytham Woods to take part in a Climate Study field trip! The Wellies were the first thing I got ready!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Sunday 18th October
We got the latest on the Abingdon Marathon.
Website: http://www.abingdonamblers.co.uk/serve_page.phtml?static=marathon/race.htm
You can have a look at the map of the route on their website.
Art in Woodstock
Website: http://www.artinwoodstock.com/
Kathy Shock from the Jewish Congregation in Oxford.
More Questions Than Answers
We took a look at the current and past challenges facing Christians in Russia and Communist states. To follow the work of the Keston Institute have a look at their website.
And Joel, presenter of Sunday Lunch was showing off his posh new get up! He is the king of bargain hunting! Just thought you should see where his money went!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Saturday 17th October
Early on we heard about the charity ROSY:
http://www.rosy.org.uk/ or call direct on 01865 848696.
Don't forget we will also be going for a walk along the Thames Path south of Abingdon later... details of where to go are here... http://bbcoxfordweekends.blogspot.com/search/label/Walk
Thriving Sustainably
Website: http://www.thrivingsustainably.org.uk/
An event happening today at West Oxford Community Center in Botley.
Not Just A Walk in the Park
Website: http://www.orhcharitablefunds.nhs.uk/
Sunday will see a lot of people heading the University Parks in Oxford to take part in a fundraising event for the JR's Heart and Cancer centres.
Leaches Farm
Website: http://www.bbowt.org.uk/
Giles Strother took me on a tour of the new plot of land that BBOWT have managed to rescue thanks to your money.
Website: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/steampunk/
Art Donovan took us on a tour of the rather bizarre exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford. It runs until February 2010, so plenty of chances to go and have a look.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Tours aplenty this weekend
On Sunday, More Questions Than Answers will take a look at how the church in Russia dealt with life under Iron Curtain and the freedoms since the fall of communism.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Wellies on early
It's at Leaches Farm on the Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire border. Giles Strother, the man in charge of all of BBOWTS reserves took me on a guided tour. It was fascinating to see how it looks now, before they get their mits on it. Give them a couple of years and it will be interesting to see how much wildlife has moved in.
Listen to the whole interview and tour on Saturday morning.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Wellies armed
The Eartwatch Institute have invited me and some bods from other Oxfordshire based organisations to take part in a field studies trip. Unfortunately not to China or South America, but instead to the Wildes of Wytham Woods!
I'm off to the Doc's tomorrow to see if I'm fit enough! Fingers crossed!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Sunday 11th October
Here are the bits and bobs from todays show. Got off to a sad start with the news that Boyzones Stephen Gately has died (according to their website).
Dr Robin Gibbons lead this mornings reflection.
The Oxfordshire Devotional this morning is one of our special on location episodes. The service was recorded at Magdalen Road Church in east Oxford. Thanks to our outside broadcast team of Mike for doing the hard work and everyone at the church for making him welcome.
NB/ I got a little stumped with that usual debate... is it Maw-dalen or Mag-delen Road. My understanding is that its Maw-dalen College and Street, but Mag-dalen Road! Obviously there are different opinions on this one! (mercer@bbc.co.uk if you want your say!)
Faith Place
This week its All Saints -- The village church of Sutton Courtenay and is the Faith Place of Ken Giles who told his story to Hedley Feast.
Emmanuel Church
Great news from Rev Chris Boyce, the work has begun on building their new church. If you want to help them get to the total of £1.5 million, then call 01869 244918 or have a look at the website.
Hymns from Honeysuckle Cottage
Today Dr Gillian Warson looked at the hymn Awake my soul.
More Questions Than Answers
Lionel Tarassenko is an Inventor and Scientist and will be talking about his faith and working in the world of science tonight at Christ Church Cathedral. Have a look at the website for more information.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Come walking
All is looking good, there will be one diversion around some reconstruction work the Environment Agency are doing to the Thames Path at Abingdon. The rest of the route looks good.
This is the proper blurb from our walk supremo Kate:
The next walk is on Saturday 17th October 2009. We’ll meet at the car park at Culham Lock at 10.45am to start the walk about 11.00am that gives us time for everyone to sign the disclaimer and for new people to complete the monitoring forms. Please make sure you sign the disclaimer every time you come on a walk.
The walk is about 6 miles long. Some of the first part of the walk is on a quiet road but most of it is on footpaths, so boots or sturdy shoes are advisable. Most of the route is very flat with a very gentle rise to a short downhill section to the river. As always the walk will be lead at a pace to suit everybody. As usual well behaved dogs will be welcome.
We’ve made a group booking for lunch at the pub for those who wish to have lunch afterwards. There’ll be a menu for you to choose from so make sure you order your lunch before we set off on the walk!
So, whether you’ve joined us before or not, and feel that you can manage this walk put the date in your diary and come with us.
The weather of course is unpredictable and unknown at this stage. We’ll walk in all but the worst conditions but if you’re in any doubt about whether the walk is going ahead listen to Phil Mercer’s show on the Saturday morning between 6am and 9am.
Many charities encourage walking as a way of raising money. So before the start of the walk we are asking for a donation of £1 for a chosen charity. So far we have raised nearly £1,000 for both local and national charities. Before the walk this month we’ll make another collection for ROSY (Respite nursing for Oxfordshire's Sick Youngsters).
To book a place or for more details contact BBC Oxford Action Desk 08459 311 222 or email katie.brown@bbc.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you on the next walk.
Saturdays 10th October
Banbury Folk Festival
Its happening this weekend.
Website: http://www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk/
Phone number for tickets: 01295 279002
Arhythmia Alliance
Website: http://www.heartrhythmcharity.org.uk/
If you heard Susan from Hambledon talking about the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) she has managed to get sites in four villages in her area, this is the site to give you more information.
Wallingford Partnership
Website: http://www.wallingfordtown.co.uk/
The new project to bring investment to the town has really worked, they have secured £200,000 to spend over the next 18 months.
OX4 Festival
Website: http://www.thisistruck.com/about-ox4-festival.aspx
Some great bands appearing in venues around the Cowley Road tonight.
Friday, 9 October 2009
The weekend shapes up
We'll hear how a group from Wallingford have managed to obtain £200,000 to promote the town with. Find out about plans to place defibrilators around some of Oxfordshires villages, how Abingdon is turning pink for the day and we will get all the details on this years OX4 festival.
The Oxfordshire Devotional is out and about, this week at Magdalen Road Church. We have plenty of audio from the happenings at the Oxford Oratory with the visit of St Therese and we look at how one Inventor balances his love of Science with his faith.
Childrens books that grown-ups might like!
- How I live now, by Meg Rosoff.
Powerful, insightful, funny and moving. A 15 yr old girl is experiencing a dystopian view of Britain, being torn apart through civil war. - Here Lies Arthur, by Philip Reeve.
Original, almost poetic writing at times - re-working the myth of King Arthur. Seen through the eyes of a young runaway, who becomes the assistant to Merlin.
And also - from a while ago, - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, by Mark Haddon.
If you haven't read it -do so. Funny and gives an insight into a the world of Christopher -a teenage boy with Asperger's Syndrome. - For a silly, funny, childish read- go for the Mr Gum books - a series by Andy Stanton. You will see why he won the Roald Dahl award for funniest book last year!
- And for Picture books -that adults will enjoy -try local author Mini Grey - all her books are witty, anarchic, original works of art.
Why not have a read and let me know how you get on.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Vaccine Q&A - Saturday 10th Oct
He knows all there is to know about vaccines. So if you have a question about the Swine Flu vaccination or the safety of the cervical cancer injections let us know.
St Thérèse
I'd love to hear from anyone who went and what you made of the whole event. Bung me an email (mercer@bbc.co.uk)
I'll be using this site to post up links and pictures from the programme and any other useful (and useless) information.
The show is broadcast live between 6am and 9am Saturday and Sundays.